

Available on Amazon Prime and Hulu now.

In the footsteps of the Twilight Zone and Dark Mirror comes ReversALL.

Café owners, Helen and Marcus Thomas (Heidi Azaro (#50Fathers) and Fred Munkachy, (The Bronze, #50Fathers, Revenge of the Spacemen)), who are encountered with a mysterious morning visit from the Police. Faced with a barrage of questions by the two often hostile detectives’, the couple's worst fears are realized when they soon learn a horrifying truth.

  • Inspired by Campaign Zero and based on a true story.

    In the footsteps of the Twilight Zone and Dark Mirror comes ReversALL.

    Café owners, Helen and Marcus Thomas (Heidi Azaro (#50Fathers) and Fred Munkachy, (The Bronze, #50Fathers, Revenge of the Spacemen)), who are encountered with a mysterious morning visit from the Police. Faced with a barrage of questions by the two often hostile detectives’, the couple's worst fears are realized when they soon learn a horrifying truth. The film questions your own sense of empathy and its application evenly throughout society.

    Available on Amazon Prime and Hulu now.

    Inspired by Campaign Zero and based on a true story.

    In the footsteps of the Twilight Zone and Dark Mirror comes ReversALL.

    Café owners, Helen and Marcus Thomas (Heidi Azaro (#50Fathers) and Fred Munkachy, (The Bronze, #50Fathers, Revenge of the Spacemen)), who are encountered with a mysterious morning visit from the Police. Faced with a barrage of questions by the two often hostile detectives’, the couple's worst fears are realized when they soon learn a horrifying truth.

    The film questions your own sense of empathy and its application evenly throughout society.

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    • Inspired by Campaign Zero and based on a true story
    • Filming Locations
      • Bedford, Ohio, Unites States
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