Green Book
Green Book is a heartwarming tale of friendship and overcoming racial barriers, brought to life by Noxe's cinematic magic. Don't miss this must-see film that will move and inspire you.
Prepare for a heart-pounding experience with Screampark, a chilling horror film from Noxe. Get ready to scream as you enter a world of suspense and terror. Brace yourself for a thrilling ride.
Chasing Life
Chasing Life, the latest Noxe production, is a thrilling tale of perseverance and determination. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and hope in this heartwarming film.
The Witch’s Diary
Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of The Witch's Diary. Join Noxe on a captivating journey of magic and mystery as secrets unfold in this spellbinding cinematic experience.
New season is released!

The Green Book

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SUPPORT THE EVENT OF THE YEAR: Corky and Lenny’s, a beloved restaurant in Cleveland for 67 years, unfortunately closed its doors last year. Founded in 1956 by Sanford “Corky” Kurland and Lenny Kaden, the deli served Eastern European and American dishes, including towering corned beef sandwiches, giant pickles, and matzo ball soup. It was more than just a restaurant. Corky and Lenny’s became a regional institution where families dined, relationships were formed, and entrepreneurs made deals. The restaurant was frequented by celebrities like Shaquille O’Neal, Sammy Davis Jr., Chubby Checker, Milton Berle, and David Letterman.

MadWerkz completes an impressive 8K entirely CG presentation of GE's Next Generation Engine, the GE9X.

SEE I The Soul Cinematic Universe is part of the United in Code Learning Platform. A four-week mixed-media film arts camp for Cuyahoga County students (under 18).

In this GCUFF masterclass, you are invited into this unique color suite to watch how a professional Director, Finisher, and Colorist create great-looking images and discuss color management workflow, techniques, creativity, grading, and strategies that will help you become a better filmmaker.

Movie, TV Show, Filmmakers and Film Studio WordPress Theme.

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