Avid Media Composer

As of this post, Avid Technology is being daggled as the acquisitional equivalent of a Gordan Ramsey Wagyu Burger. While the anticipated flavor is undoubtedly divine, getting to the actual meal mentally intact is the hurdle. In short, is the destination worth the trip?

If Avid gets sold, who would be the top companies that would be a great fit to acquire it?

About Me

Luisa Rodriguez

An Award for Screenwriting here and there. Some joy in the blissful life of my 8 year-old Tabby and a keen eye for smashing the like button of some of today’s most insightful nerds, blerds, wannabe Jedi’s, Queens and Kings of Hu. Keep the light on, I’ll be home eventually.


About Me

Theresa Jordan

Curabitur nec justo sit amet urna convallis viverra. Phasellus auctor id lectus vel tincidunt. Phasellus sed lorem id diam venenatis ullamcorper. Curabitur iaculis risus vitae magna eleifend, at auctor dolor ultricies. Sed rhoncus aliquam turpis, a hendrerit arcu.

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