Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 6:30PM, MadWerkz Founder, Joddy Eric Matthews sits down LIVE and takes us through the process of producing a DCP (Digital Cinema Package) that meets film festival guidelines and approval.

REV Series Animation - Shot 1 Final

The Detroit Radiant Company engaged MadWerkz with an opportunity to produce an animation that would complement the launch of their new REV Series radiant heater product.

The United Black Fund of Greater Cleveland had a straightforward goal for their 2019/2020 Annual Report and that was to create an engaging, interactive ebook that would house both custom woodcut illustrations and quick animations for each of this year’s honorees.

Green Therapy is a company that provides awareness to the benefits of premium natural products as an alternative to pharmaceutical therapies through the sale of cannabis products.

MadWerkz recently assisted PharmD | Live in the development of their new Brand Identity and launch of their new website

Exciting news for fans of King's Life as AMC announces season 1 airing later this year. Get ready for a thrilling and captivating journey into the royal world.

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