- byChristopher Kennedy
- 2 years ago
The Arc of Northern Virginia asked MadWerkz to design their Special Needs Trust brochure, A Beginner’s Guide. After 2 years in development, the final result was a highly stylized, 11x17 stitched, Pantone printed Forty-Four-page booklet.
- bymadwerkzproducer
- 2 years ago
Apple announces a new M2 1600 Nit super powered iPad Pro running DaVinci Resolve.
- byChristopher Kennedy
- 2 years ago
Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 6:30PM, MadWerkz Founder, Joddy Eric Matthews sits down LIVE and takes us through the process of producing a DCP (Digital Cinema Package) that meets film festival guidelines and approval.
- byChristopher Kennedy
- 3 years ago
The Detroit Radiant Company engaged MadWerkz with an opportunity to produce an animation that would complement the launch of their new REV Series radiant heater product.
- bymadwerkzproducer
- 4 years ago
The United Black Fund of Greater Cleveland had a straightforward goal for their 2019/2020 Annual Report and that was to create an engaging, interactive ebook that would house both custom woodcut illustrations and quick animations for each of this year’s honorees.
- bymadwerkzproducer
- 4 years ago
Green Therapy is a company that provides awareness to the benefits of premium natural products as an alternative to pharmaceutical therapies through the sale of cannabis products.
- bymadwerkzproducer
- 4 years ago
MadWerkz recently assisted PharmD | Live in the development of their new Brand Identity and launch of their new website
- bymadwerkzproducer
- 5 years ago
Exciting news for fans of King's Life as AMC announces season 1 airing later this year. Get ready for a thrilling and captivating journey into the royal world.
- bymadwerkzproducer
- 5 years ago
Nehemiah Project: Watercolors Print Ad
- bymadwerkzproducer
- 5 years ago
Café owners, Helen and Marcus Thomas (Heidi Azaro (#50Fathers) and Fred Munkachy, (The Bronze, #50Fathers, Revenge of the Spacemen)), who are encountered with a mysterious morning visit from the Police. Faced with a barrage of questions by the two often hostile detectives’, the couple's worst fears are realized when they soon learn a horrifying truth.