- byChristopher Kennedy
- 2 years ago
Jim Brown, a football and lacrosse hall of famer, actor and social activist, died May 18 at his home in Los Angeles. He was 87.
- byChristopher Kennedy
- 2 years ago
Davinci Resolve is fast becoming an NLE of choice for a lot of Filmmakers and the use of Fairlight, Resolve’s internal DAW has editors looking to leverage its flexibility, built-in surround, and Dolby Atmos delivery capabilities. One way to do this is by using Davinci Resolve templates. Our Davinci Resolve template is a pre-made timeline that contains all the tracks, plugins, and settings that you might need for a specific project.
- byChristopher Kennedy
- 2 years ago
SUPPORT THE STRUGGLE: Be: A Raised Fist Mixtape Vol.1 is a feature-length documentary spurred by the passing of a local civil rights and hip hop activist, William “Silver B” Richards. Be: Vol.1 propels three Human Rights Activists to look backwards and toward the future of the Activism movement in The Land
- byChristopher Kennedy
- 2 years ago
Be: A Raised Fist Mixtape Vol.1 is a feature-length documentary spurred by the passing of a local civil rights and hip hop activist, William “Silver B” Richards. Be: Vol.1 propels three Human Rights Activists to look backwards and toward the future of the Activism movement in Cleveland, Ohio.
- byChristopher Kennedy
- 2 years ago
SUPPORT THE STRUGGLE: Be: A Raised Fist Mixtape Vol.1 is a feature-length documentary spurred by the passing of a local civil rights and hip hop activist, William “Silver B” Richards. Be: Vol.1 propels three Human Rights Activists to look backwards and toward the future of the Activism movement in The Land
- byChristopher Kennedy
- 2 years ago
The Arc of Northern Virginia asked MadWerkz to design their Special Needs Trust brochure, A Beginner’s Guide. After 2 years in development, the final result was a highly stylized, 11x17 stitched, Pantone printed Forty-Four-page booklet.
- byChristopher Kennedy
- 2 years ago
Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 6:30PM, MadWerkz Founder, Joddy Eric Matthews sits down LIVE and takes us through the process of producing a DCP (Digital Cinema Package) that meets film festival guidelines and approval.
- byChristopher Kennedy
- 3 years ago
The Detroit Radiant Company engaged MadWerkz with an opportunity to produce an animation that would complement the launch of their new REV Series radiant heater product.