DCP Creation
Digital Cinema Package Creation


As a filmmaker, director, producer, or distributor, having a DCP (Digital Cinema Package) provides you with the ability to showcase your film, trailer, or other work in digital theatres around the world.

Use our DCP Pricing Calculator below

MadWerkz offers low-cost, high-quality DCP creation for theatrical distribution to cinemas, festivals & film premieres. We understand the struggles of making a film. Let us help you prepare for your next screening!

See our list of services below

Once you’ve uploaded your film to us, our staff will review your project. After review, our colorist will manage any color space conversions necessary and ensure that it falls into the DCI/DCP colorspace. Finally, we’ll create your DCP and test it for playback.

Our DCP Creation Services Include:

  • Format conversion from virtually any source material to Digital Cinema Compliant files (DCI)

  • HD, 2K, 4K processing including Aspect Ratio Matching

  • 2D and 3D DCPs at 24 & 48 fps

  • Rendering converted image and sound to MXF wrapped DCI files

  • XML file creation for both SMTPE compliance

  • Optional DCP to Theater Delivery
"MadWerkz delivers on time and with high quality. I really appreciate them saving the day!"

Donna Dabbs, Executive Director (Greater Cleveland Urban Film Festival)

Use our calculator to figure out the cost of your DCP

DCP Pricing Calculator

IMPORTANT: Make sure to enter all the values (resolution, frame rate, audio, etc.) exactly as your master file is set up for. For example, if your master file is 16:9 aspect ratio but the DCP will end up as a Flat (1:1.85), please make sure to enter 16:9 into the calculator.

Enter Values For Your Project

Film Complete Running Time (Minutes)
Enter the Finished Resolution of Your Film
Choose whether if your Film is 2d or 3D


Select the Audio Type used
Select the Aspect Ratio used
Select the Frame Rate of the Film
How many copies (including Original)
How many copies (including Original)

QC Screening

DCP Screening on DCI-P3 Calibrated Monitor

Turnaround Time

Production turnaround time (Does not include shipping)
Is this a Rush Order?

Once payment is received, you will be sent a link to upload your film.


Contact MadWerkz today for a detailed quote. 

Either share your film with us online OR send us a Hard Drive with your media and we will take care of the rest.

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