The Bubble

The Bubble

September 16, 2008 (Wall Street Black Tuesday) sets the stage as the high octane world of Real Estate is seen through the well-blended mix of interrelated stories in the visionary short The Bubble, directed by Joddy Eric Matthews. In the footsteps of films such as Traffic and Crash, The Bubble tells story of four lives, forever tied together by one property, a home in main street America, become intertwined as a middle class housewife, grieving the recent suicide of her husband, looks for a way to end her heartache and pain; FBI special agent, reaches his breaking point with the establishment and their lack of commitment to ending abuses in the system; A Bank Vice President, learns a valuable lesson on the worst day in recent financial history; and a mortgage broker, comes face to face with one fateful decision. A story which shows us how truly connected we all are, The Bubble is an amazing film about today's most far reaching topics.

0h 20min
January 1, 2009
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