The Good Trouble Workshop

Ultramagnetic by MadWerkz Blog

The Good Trouble Workshop

  • 2 years ago
Learn About the Good Trouble Workshop | Hosted by Be: A Raised Fist Mixtape Vol. 1
What is the Good Trouble workshop?

The Good Trouble workshop was born from a focus on a group of kids who suffered the loss of their
activist mentor, William “Silver B” Richard. This (all ages) 2-day workshop invites its participants to learn how to (in the words of John Lewis), “make some noise and get in good trouble” in today’s Metaverse Era. Activism is the act of sparking change in your environment using societal or political pressure. Whether it’s through hashtags, social media challenges, or viral videos, the Activist tool set is constantly evolving, and students will learn to grow alongside it.

Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.

John Lewis, Civil Rights Activist and Congressman

Participants will develop a variety of skills that they’ll need as activists. Our workshop offers two-course tracks: one for youth and one for adults. Through our workshop, participants will get practical experience as they perform activities and listen to guest activist speakers and notable leaders who are currently fighting on the front for human rights today.

To learn more about the Good Trouble workshop, download our our workshop PDF.

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