Brand Identity: PharmD I LIVE

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Brand Identity: PharmD I LIVE

Brand Identity and Website Development Design for Telehealth Solution Provider.

PharmD I Live is a Value-Based Telehealth Solutions by providing Improved Care and Reduced Costs through the empowerment of patients and improvement of their quality of lives through our technology enabled solutions delivered by our specially trained clinical pharmacists in between their doctor visits.

PHARMD I LIVE Logo with CMYK on cardstock

A Modern Look

MadWerkz recently assisted PharmD | Live in the development of their new Brand Identity and launch of their new website. Re-design of the site was accomplished in-house through Vice President of Marketing, Allyson Ruscitella with MadWerkz providing development and deployment expertise. “Allyson asked for a clean, modern look on their logo and a site that balanced a friendly appeal with the security, data acquisition and management concerns of a healthcare company.” stated Project Manager and Lead Designer, Joddy Eric Matthews.

The old logo (shown below) had served the startup well and PharmD I Live wanted to maintain certain aspects of its appeal and not stray too far from its look. “Being a Startup, our clients hadn’t had much time to let the old logo grow on them, a radical shift wasn’t needed I felt. I wanted new, modern and clean but signifying growth and maturity.” Ruscitella said.

“Allyson knew what she wanted. She really drove the process, which made producing looks much easier.” Remarked web development Producer Christopher Kennedy.

A New Brand

Reversed Out 4 Color Logo

The New Logo and tagline (shown above) was chosen from six examples and broken into 4 different versions (Reversed, Single Color, CMYK, RGB). 
Font:     Raleway LightTag:      Roboto Regular
Pantone Hawaiian Ocean, 17-4540 TCX                          
Orange 1484C15%
Gray (D) and Tagline and Separator (Reversed Out)
80% Gray (D) and Tagline and Separator

Movie, TV Show, Filmmakers and Film Studio WordPress Theme.

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