One Heart, One Mind, One Design

Ultramagnetic by MadWerkz Blog

One Heart, One Mind, One Design

Nonprofit, Tender Heart Crusades enlist MadWerkz to creating stunning new website

Home Page

In today’s age of websites and digital marketing, having engaging content is critical to your success. Drawing the attention of prospective clients and converting those clicks into revenue is no easy task. So when the nationally based nonprofit, TenderHeart Crusades approached MadWerkz Studios about creating a creative, yet informative website, MadWerkz rose to the challenge.

“Tender Heart Crusades came to us with the goal of creating a site that would allow them to promote their community programs, showcase upcoming events and give their supporters a place where they could donate to help these programs.”

Jeff Williams, Website Designer

MadWerkz created and designed over 7 pages of content for the nonprofit. Ranging from an eye-grabbing home page to a visually alluring program listing.

Documentary Film Page

TenderHeart Crusades website will launch later this month. You can visit their website post launch at

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Movie, TV Show, Filmmakers and Film Studio WordPress Theme.

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