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MadWerkz Studios produces cutting edge original programming from the ground breaking scripted show CarribeanGirl NYC to unique web series, Seeing Tomorrow, to motion pictures such as the comedy drama, #50Fathers


We roster a diverse team of Directors worldwide


We are a global team of designers, artists and animators who turn measured insights into big ideas. We creative the extraordinary.


From hand-drawn to photo-real, our global team of Visual Effects artists use their craft to make great ideas come to life.


MadWerkz has won awards at film festivals world wide ranging from Best Documentary to Best Feature.


The question is the start. Design is hard work and humbleness in the face of a challenge is required. Set backs will happen and the unknown should be embraced. We harness infectious energy, built on huge collective experience and a talent to achieve the right results. We want to be the best.

A creative crew

Who We Are

MadWerkz is home to a collective of visionaries working across film, advertising, television and immersive. Our work and skillset is wide-ranging, thanks to a pool of talented artists and producers in offices across the globe.

Toyota, GE, 2012 Olympics, BET, #50Fathers, Nina Blue, The Baobab Tree

Joddy Eric Matthews

ARCNova, Solving X, Altria, General Mills

Chris Kennedy
Producer/Director/Layout Artist

Seeing Tomorrow, #50Fathers, GE, Re Verber Ray

Jason Mitchwell
VFX Supervisor/3D Artist/Animator

AriseMedia360, HOVA360, United In Code, DefCode Summer

Layanna Willis
Sr. Director of Coding

AriseMedia360, HOVA360, United In Code, DefCode Summer, Underground FC

Michael Matthews
Sr. Director of eSports Learning

AriseMedia360, HOVA360, United In Code, DefCode Summer, Among Kings & Queens

Brianna Willis
Program Director, Online Learning

MadWerkz completes an impressive 8K entirely CG presentation of GE's Next Generation Engine, the GE9X.

SEE I The Soul Cinematic Universe is part of the United in Code Learning Platform. A four-week mixed-media film arts camp for Cuyahoga County students (under 18).

In this GCUFF masterclass, you are invited into this unique color suite to watch how a professional Director, Finisher, and Colorist create great-looking images and discuss color management workflow, techniques, creativity, grading, and strategies that will help you become a better filmmaker.

As of this post, Avid Technology is being daggled as the acquisitional equivalent of a Gordan Ramsey Wagyu Burger. While the anticipated flavor is undoubtedly divine, getting to the actual meal mentally intact is the hurdle. In short, is the destination worth the trip?

If Avid gets sold, who would be the top companies that would be a great fit to acquire it?

Movie, Gaming, TV Show, Filmmakers and Film Studio

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